Traditional methods such as language tutors or finding language partners can be expensive and time-consuming to organize. However, with ChattyChatty, you can now have an AI-powered language partner ready to chat with you anytime, anywhere, and on any topic. Our team aims to introduce ChattyChatty, its features, and the benefits it offers to language learners.
Artificial Intelligence
Large Language Models (LLM)
App development
Jul 2, 2023 12:26 PM

Your language ally, where fluent words dance with AI, guiding your linguistic sky-high

What is ChattyChatty about?

Language learning can be a challenging and time-consuming process, especially when it comes to developing conversational fluency. Traditional methods such as language tutors or finding language partners can be expensive and time-consuming to organize. However, with ChattyChatty, you can now have an AI-powered language partner ready to chat with you anytime, anywhere, and on any topic. Our team aims to introduce ChattyChatty, its features, and the benefits it offers to language learners.
Conversational fluency takes more than 200hrs of practice in a language like Spanish!
Paid tutor
200hr x $15/hr = $3000
$15/month = Unlimited Chats!


  • Language Options: ChattyChatty supports more than 35 languages, including popular choices like Spanish, French, and German. Users can choose their target language and start chatting instantly.
  • Language Levels: ChattyChatty caters to learners of all levels, whether they are beginners, intermediate, or advanced. The AI adapts its responses based on the user's proficiency level, ensuring a personalized learning experience.
  • Conversational Topics: Users can chat about anything they want with the AI. Whether it's discussing daily life, current events, or specific interests, the AI is prepared to engage in natural conversation on a wide range of topics.
  • Translations: ChattyChatty offers a translation feature that allows users to translate any sentence from their target language into English. This feature helps learners understand unfamiliar words or phrases in real-time.
  • Corrections: Users receive live corrections for their messages, helping them improve their grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure. The AI provides feedback on errors, allowing learners to learn from their mistakes.
  • Correction Explanations: In addition to corrections, ChattyChatty provides explanations for each correction. Learners can understand why certain changes were made, enhancing their understanding of the language rules.
  • Voice Transcription: Users can speak to ChattyChatty, and their messages will be transcribed for them. This feature enables learners to practice speaking and receive written feedback on their pronunciation and grammar.

Pricing and Benefits

  • Free Trial: Users can enjoy a 7-day free trial of ChattyChatty, giving them a risk-free opportunity to explore its features and evaluate its effectiveness.
  • Flexible Subscription: After the free trial, users can subscribe to ChattyChatty for a low monthly fee of $15 USD. This subscription provides unlimited chats, allowing learners to practice their language skills extensively.
  • Money-Back Guarantee: ChattyChatty offers a 30-day money-back guarantee. If users feel that their language skills haven't improved or if they decide the platform isn't suitable for them, they can request a full refund within 30 days of subscribing.


  • Free Trial: Users have a 7-day free trial to try ChattyChatty. They can cancel anytime within the trial period without any charges.
  • Money-Back Guarantee: After the free trial, users have 30 days to try ChattyChatty risk-free. If they are not satisfied, they can email jasoncysiu@gmail.com for a full refund.
  • ChatAI Explanation: ChattyChatty is an AI Language Partner designed to facilitate language learning through natural conversation. It serves as a language tutor and partner, helping learners practice their target language.

Cancellation and Contact

  • Cancelling Subscription: Canceling ChattyChatty is straightforward. Users can click on "cancel" in their account settings, use the cancellation link in their subscription confirmation email, or email jasoncysiu@gmail.com to cancel their subscription.
  • Contact Information: For any additional questions or product information, users can reach out to jasoncysiu@gmail.com.


ChattyChatty: Revolutionising language learning with AI-powered fluency. Experience wide language support, adaptive features, and affordable pricing for convenient and engaging conversations. Unlock fluency anywhere, anytime, empowering language learners worldwide.

Our Team

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keduong33Updated Jan 31, 2024
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